It's a pretty good quote really. You've probably used it during an argument...pointing out how someone isn't getting anywhere because they keep doing the same things. But, have you thought about how it applies to yourself?
We like comfort, and we don't like change. So we adopt certain habits or do certain things and then we become content with them, sometimes even when we KNOW that they aren't the best habits and things for us.
Some stay in relationships that they know are toxic.
Some lie to keep the peace because the truth will flip their lives upside down.
Some start abusing drugs and/or alcohol or use food to fill an unmet need.
Some constantly spend way beyond their means.
... and then they complain.
They complain about having to work for a boss they can't stand at a job they don't even like to do. They complain that they're in an abusive relationship. They complain they don't feel well. They complain they are living paycheck to paycheck - all while refusing to make any changes.
...and then, in time, they pay "the tax" - the consequences of their own actions.
They wasted years at a job where they never saw their family because they hoped it would give them a big bank account. They let their kids witness years of toxicity in relationships and now they are in their own toxic relationship because this is what they were taught was normal. They are now in a huge snowball of a lie that is exhausting to keep up with because it just kept growing and growing. They are addicted to the drugs, alcohol, or food now and are very sick. They are desperately looking for ways to come up with the money to keep their homes or pay for an expensive car repair but they have a $150 bar tab every Friday and Saturday night and a closet FULL of high end clothes and shoes.
Maybe one of these "theys" is you. So let me ask - what if you made a change and it ended up being the best thing that ever happened?
What if YOU being so stubborn and stuck in your ways is the actual thing standing in your way.
Stop blaming other people. Take accountability for where you're at. Yes there are things that happen to people that are absolutely no fault of their own but that's not what I'm talking about.
You're not where you want to be? Nobody is going to come riding in on a white horse with a briefcase full of money offering you a new luxurious carefree life.
You won't get that cute house you love by maxing out all your credit cards and trashing your credit score because you can't say no to that $300 pair of shoes you saw.
You used substances to make you feel better today? - I guarantee you won't wake up tomorrow free of the urge to use them again.
You aren't happy with your body? No amount of money you spend on supplements or the latest diet craze is going to give you the body you want if you don't put in some effort.
Your boyfriend smacked you around yesterday for the 10th time but it's okay because he promised it was the last time.
YOU have to decide that it's time to make the change.
Surround yourself with positive people and music and tv shows and watch it transform your mood. Stop hanging out with the people who are sabotaging your growth or constantly critical of the changes you're trying to make. Stop the negative self talk to yourself. Start making ACTUAL changes in your daily routine.
You can do hard things. They will be worth it. You got this.
Sober Day #869