Before I get going on this true story - I have to stress that desperate things are done during desperate times. What this means is - just because there were no adverse effects in this particular case doesn't mean there wouldn't be for someone else.
It started in the late 60's or early 70's when my dads sister shoved him during a race to be the one who would sit in the front seat of the car. BAM! My dads face hit the ground and it broke out both of his permanent top front teeth.
He had posts and caps put in and very rarely ever had any problems with them until this one particular day when they completely broke and there was no fixing them. It happened on a weekend when his dentist was not available. It was really bothering him and making him really self conscious so I brainstormed and told him to come on up to my house.
When he got here, I presented him with my DIY acrylic nail set. (They use acrylic in your mouth in dentistry - but I'm sure it usually isn't Kiss Nails brand.) At first I think he thought I was crazy but I proceeded to trim down two fake nails and shape them with a sanding tool until they were "teeth shaped" and then the fun began. We tried and tried to glue them with super glue to the next teeth over, on the posts, etc with no luck. We were both tired and kept laughing - as it isn't every day you do this kind of thing.
Finally, when we didn't think it was going to work at all - he said, "okay, just glue them in right at the top." There was a very very small part of the original teeth there I decided to try to glue to so he laid on my kitchen floor and I super-glued the "nails" into his mouth.
They seemed to stick pretty well and I knew if I got a good coat of acrylic over them they would probably stay.
Now, do me a favor...picture your dad, laying on your kitchen floor at 10pm, with paper towels stuffed in his mouth too keep the saliva away, holding his upper lip up off of his teeth as you paint on them and he waits for the acrylic to dry. It was hysterical and we still laugh about it.
Anyways, those "teeth" ended up working out great, and lasted over a month with only one touch up needed when he felt they were a little loose. Nobody ever noticed, even his close friends didn't believe him when he told them! His dentist got a kick out of it and said he had had other patients make similar attempts but never had one have it actually work out. I don't do my nails anymore, but I did keep what's left of the set and I have acrylic on know, just in case. :)
You are seriously a super woman, I always wondered how you made those. :)